Why don't most teenage relationships last long?

Why don’t most teenage relationships last long?

Why don’t most teenage relationships last long? That is one of the throbbing questions asked by both adults and teenagers. Most adults do not take teenage relationships seriously. Even teenagers do not take their relationship seriously. For most people, teenage relationships are a phase or stigma that burns out fast as it has started. But have we really figured out why don’t most teenage relationships last long? Have we really looked deeper into the teenage world and tried to find the real cause of the fast breakage of teenage relationships? Let’s look into our take on why don’t most teenage relationships last long

Can teenage relationships last long?

This is a complex question. There is no yes or no answer to this question. The probability of the relationship working or not depends solely on the people and their attitudes. So we can’t jump to any conclusions just because the couple is teenage that their relationship is not going to last. But there are a lot of factors that can affect the stability of the teenage relationship.

Fluctuating Personalities

why don’t most teenage relationships last long? The main reason can be their changing personalities. Teenagers are in the process of identifying themselves. This can result in a fast change of personalities and attitudes. The basic principles of their lives change within a short span of time for the teenagers so their way of thinking and the perspective on life and partners will also change with that. This will result in a broken relationship faster than expected.

Hormonal Changes

Teenagers are subjected to huge changes in hormones over course of a few years. This rapid change of hormones can have such a magnitude of force to make them go search for a relationship and an equal force to break the relationships in the same manner.

So, Why don’t most teenage relationships last long? well, hormones play a large role there. Oestrogen and Testosterone run high grounds during those teenage years that can create powerful sexual desires, this will lead to quickly formed relationships but on the other hand, the hormones can cause mood changes and temperaments that can result in aggressive behavior that can damage the relationships. This can be a major reason Why don’t most teenage relationships last long.

Emotional Stability

Why don't most teenage relationships last long?
Why don’t most teenage relationships last long?

Most adult relationships stem from a more stabilized emotional platform whereas teenage relationships arise from mostly unstable emotional status. Why don’t most teenage relationships last long? well, you have the answer right there. You have to be emotionally stable to hold onto a relationship. You should have a clear idea about where you stand in life to build a relationship with another person. If you are not stable yourself then there is a little input you can give to your relationship which would pave the path for an unstable relationship.

Most teenage relationships don’t last long due to both parties having emotional instability and on top of that social and economical instability which rupture their relationship into pieces.

Social Pressure

Why don’t most teenage relationships last long? well, society is to be blamed as well. Today even adult relationships can be thrown overboard due to societal pressure so you can imagine what will happen to teenagers. First of all, teenagers are largely influenced by society and peers. They don’t have the proper emotional stability to withhold the pressure as we mentioned earlier. This could lead to an emotional rollercoaster where they are heavily pressured by their peers to start a relationship and looked down on by the adult society for starting a relationship. They will honestly find no relief from either side.

They are in a tight spot and this can be the reason why most teenage relationships don’t last long. Teachers, relatives, and friends can influence teenagers to a large extent and these influences can be positive or negative and can have mixed results in the teenager’s life.

Parental Pressure

Teenagers are not independent, either economically or emotionally. 90% or more of the teenagers live with their parents and depend on their parents economically. This will make parents a major factor in their lives. Parents bond with their children from birth and it is a pretty powerful bond.

If the parents do not approve of their relationship then the threats of throwing them out of the house or not funding them furthermore can easily make the teenagers stop their relationships. This is especially true for Asian parents where the parents have enormous power over their children even after they are adults.

So the parents can be a major reason Why Don’t most teenage relationships last long. Their influence and sometimes their point of view that teenagers do not have to be in a relationship and have to focus on studies more can influence the relationship and damage it.


Why Don’t most teenage relationships last long? Maybe because they have to complete their education as well in the middle of everything? I mean the educational pressure is so high and expectations run mountains high due to the high competition in the job world. So the students are pushed more and more into that race.

They have to balance their studies and they have to balance their life while they are balancing their education. So this can be a common reason why teenage relationships don’t last long. But there are people who have their partner as the study partner as well and they both reach their dreams in the relationship now that is what I call relationship goals!

Why don’t most teenage relationships last long? What can we do?

Why don't most teenage relationships last long?
Why don’t most teenage relationships last long?

Now we have discussed why don’t most teenage relationships last long but we have to see what we can do. The fact that most teenage relationships don’t last long is not an established or proven fact, it’s just the statistics that we have. Even with the data, we cannot generalize all the teenage relationships or all the teenagers.

There are lots of stories where high school sweethearts married and lived happily ever after, while so many adult relationships have crumbled so you don’t have to worry. Here are a few things you can do to make sure your relationship will last long.

  • Communicate – This is something missing in most relationships. People don’t communicate and they just let their emotions boil inside for a long period until everything erupts destroying the relationship along with it. So talk about your feeling and tell your partner how you feel without being aggressive.
  • Understand yourself – If you are a teenager then you are in a long and tedious process of understanding yourself. Continue to explore yourself and continue to make a better person out of yourself.
  • Give space – Why don’t most teenage relationships last long? because you get so clingy to your partner and they feel like they are in a love prison without any personal space. Give them some space and enjoy life on your own also, that will be healthy for both parties.
  • Counseling – Talk to an adult, a good understanding adult. Talk about your problems and try to find a solution or try to understand the situation more. Your school counselor will be one of the best people to go and talk to.

Why don’t most teenage relationships last long? – Let’s Look Back

Let’s look at what we have discussed in this article before a wrap-up. Most teenage relationships don’t last long and there are a lot of reasons that contribute to that fact. Their emotional stability, hormonal changes, and parental pressure can be among many other reasons. You don’t have to be hard on yourself just because you feel like your relationship is going awry. It’s not like all the other relationships are pitch-perfect, everyone has their own demons to deal with.

Teenage years are really difficult even without a relationship top of that so don’t stress about the relationship or don’t try to make it perfect because frankly, relationships will never be perfect whether you are an adult or a teenager.

To Parents,

If your child is in their teenage years please handle it with care. They are not yet adults but they are not children either so you have to give them their freedom, respect, and space. Make sure to love them and make sure to tell them that you will be there for them no matter what. Treat them with due respect and understand their situation. If you feel like your teenage son or daughter needs help lookout for the signs first then try to talk to them or try to involve your school counselor.

Why don’t teenage relationships last long? Hope you found our article helpful.