Family Best Life,

Sri Lanka.

It is Family Best Life’s arrangement to regard your protection with respect to any data we may gather while working our site. This Privacy Policy applies to . We regard your security and are focused on ensuring actually recognizable data you may give us through the Website. We have received this protection strategy (“Privacy Policy”) to clarify what data might be gathered on our Website, how we utilize this data, and under what conditions we may uncover the data to outsiders. This Privacy Policy applies just to data we gather through the Website and doesn’t have any significant bearing to our assortment of data from different sources.

This Privacy Policy, along with the Terms of administration posted on our Website, put forward the general principles and arrangements overseeing your utilization of our Website. Contingent upon your exercises when visiting our Website, you might be required to consent to extra terms of administration.

Website Visitors

Like most site administrators, Family Best Life gathers non-specifically distinguishing data of the sort that internet browsers and servers normally make accessible, for example, the program type, language inclination, alluding website, and the date and time of every guest demand. Family Best Life’s motivation in gathering non-specifically recognizing data is to all the more likely see how Family Best Life’s guests utilize its site. Now and again, Family Best Life may discharge non-specifically distinguishing data in the total, e.g., by distributing a report on patterns in the use of its site.

Family Best Life additionally gathers conceivably expressly recognizing data like Internet Protocol (IP) addresses for signed in clients and for clients leaving remarks on  entries. Family Best Life just uncovers signed in client and analyst IP addresses under similar conditions that it utilizes and unveils expressly recognizing data as depicted beneath.

Gathering of Personally-Identifying Information

Guests to Family Best Life’s sites decide to interface with Family Best Life in manners that require Family Best Life to assemble specifically distinguishing data. The sum and sort of data that Family Best Life accumulates relies upon the idea of the communication. For instance, we approach guests who remarking for our blog at to give an email address.


The security of your Personal Information is critical to us, however recall that no technique for transmission over the Internet, or strategy for electronic capacity is 100% secure. While we endeavor to utilize industrially adequate intends to ensure your Personal Information, we can’t ensure its total security.



Advertisements showing up on our site might be conveyed to clients by promoting accomplices, who may set treats. These treats permit the promotion server to perceive your PC each time they send you an online ad to arrange data about you or other people who utilize your PC. This data permits promotion systems to, in addition to other things, convey focused on commercials that they accept will be of most enthusiasm to you. This Privacy Policy covers the utilization of treats by Family Best Life and doesn’t cover the utilization of treats by any publicists.

Links to External Sites

Our Service may contain connections to outer destinations that are not worked by us. In the event that you click on an outsider connection, you will be coordinated to that outsider’s site. We firmly encourage you to audit the Privacy Policy and terms of administration of each site you visit.

We have no influence over, and accept no accountability for the substance, protection strategies or practices of any outsider destinations, items or administrations.

Aggregated Statistics

Family Best Life may gather measurements about the conduct of guests to its site. Family Best Life may show this data freely or give it to other people. In any case, Family Best Life doesn’t unveil your specifically distinguishing data.


To improve and consummate your online experience, Family Best Life utilizes “Treats”, comparative advances and administrations gave by others to show customized content, suitable promoting and store your inclinations on your PC.

A treat is a string of data that a site stores on a guest’s PC, and that the guest’s program gives to the site each time the guest returns. Family Best Life utilizes treats to assist Family Best Life distinguish and track guests, their utilization of , and their site get to inclinations. Brilliant Article Zone guests who don’t wish to have treats set on their PCs should set their programs to deny treats before utilizing Family Best Life’s sites, with the disadvantage that specific highlights of Family Best Life’s sites may not work appropriately without the guide of treats.

By proceeding to explore our site without changing your treat settings, you thusly recognize and consent to Family Best Life’s utilization of treats.

Privacy Policy Changes

Most changes are probably going to be minor, Family Best Life may change its Privacy Policy occasionally, and in Family Best Life’s sole attentiveness. Family Best Life urges guests to often check this page for any progressions to its Privacy Policy. Your proceeded with utilization of this site after any adjustment in this Privacy Policy will establish your acknowledgment of such change.