Why is marriage so hard after a baby? Here is the truth

Why is marriage so hard after a baby? Here is the truth

Make no mistake; life does change incredibly after the birth of the first child. There are tons of positives that come with a baby, and you have to accept that there are certain drawbacks as well. So, why is marriage so hard after a baby? Is life hard after the first baby? It depends on various reasons. There are more details to be discussed on this, and let’s get started without wasting time.

Why is marriage so hard after a baby?

Before we start explaining the difficulties that come your way after your first baby, let us tell you that you should be more focused on resolving these issues; instead of worrying. However, before searching for the answers, it is imperative to understand the gravity of the problems. Then only you have clarity in your mind to find the right answers. So, let’s figure out why is marriage so hard after a baby?

The husband and wife time changes into father and mother time

If you take some time and dig deep into your current and new problems, you will easily figure out that the time you both have spent as lovers is now drastically lowered. That is part and parcel of the game. Especially the bedtime you had would not be as frequent as it used to be.

Sex is an utterly important element of happy marriage life, and when it doesn’t happen as you want, the occurrence of conflicts is inevitable. In order to tackle this, you both will have to put some extra effort into it and find some quality time to spend together.

It’s not all about sex, though. Excuses won’t do any good. As far as we are concerned, worrying when the solution is in your own hands is not something you should be doing.

You get added responsibility

Marriage life itself adds more responsibilities to a bachelor. When a baby arrives, it obviously becomes doubled. As a good parent, you just cannot skip some of the new responsibilities after you become a parent. You should be ready to face them and plan the responsibilities well in advance. Otherwise, you will definitely be going to ask questions like why is marriage so hard after baby.

The best thing to do with regard to these added responsibilities is to talk with your husband or wife and divide them between you. Before being a good parent, it is vital to be a good partner and help each other. It is way better than ending up with conflicts.

You might start to dislike your partner

Unfortunately, this is something on cards, given you don’t handle things appropriately. The added responsibilities that are on you might frustrate you. The change might not work with the lifestyle you have. Finally, you will start hating your partner. Yes, there is a high possibility of this happening with you even if you love your partner more than they know.

Why is marriage so hard after a baby? Here is the truth
Why is marriage so hard after a baby? Here is the truth

The sooner you get used to the new lifestyle, the better it would be for your relationship. Again, having meaningful conversations with your partner should be the first move to counter this mindset. Expressing undue anger towards your wife or husband will make things worse. The last thing you want is to end up with a divorce.

You have less time for your personal stuff

Here, personal stuff includes your work-related things as well. Most of us already have hectic lifestyles, and when a baby comes to the family, it will work as a barrier to your day-to-day work. Whatever free time you had previously might not be there anymore. You will have to spend that time with your infant, which is an important thing you should do as a parent.

This is where your planning comes into play. Actually, the question of “why is marriage so hard after baby” arises because you and your better half didn’t have a proper plan. So, once you complete reading this article, the first thing you should do is allocate time and make a workable plan. It works unbelievably well; mark our words!

Issues with grandparents

This is another well-known problem in families with newborn babies. Some parents don’t like the involvement of the grandparents, and some expect it to the fullest. Playing the balancing act here can create more problems on top of the issues you already have.

In order to minimize the possible conflicts, this is the method you should follow. Ask your partner to speak with their parents. Don’t unnecessarily get involved in their conversations. Similarly, it’s your job to talk with your parents. A sound relationship always works like this. It’s crucial to know how to play the balancing act, fellas.

Financial issues

A new member of your family means more expenses you will have to bear. We don’t want to name the expenses here as they largely depend on the requirements you have. Either way, there will be some new expenses, and if your family is dependent only on one person, this can be an issue.

Considering the new tasks, you have to perform in terms of your baby, finding time and effort for new income sources won’t be easy as well. For those who have no chance for new income methods, it is important to plan the expenses and cut down the unnecessary ones.

Perhaps, now both of you will have to work in order to stabilize the family’s financial conditions. These are critical decisions of marriage life. Don’t make bald decisions, but the right and well-planned ones.

Do babies ruin marriages?

Sadly, numbers do suggest that babies are one of the significant factors for separations. However, they don’t come into the world on their own. It’s you both who brought them to the world. If you love your partner and your baby, there are solutions to every problem. Yes, stats say that nearly 40% of couples get separated within the first five years after a child.

Why is marriage so hard after a baby? Here is the truth
Why is marriage so hard after a baby? Here is the truth

Do husbands change after having a baby?

There are more single moms compared to single husbands. This itself is enough to answer the question. Yes, husbands have the tendency to change after a baby due to various reasons. One main reason is the lack of time they have to spend with their wives. Although that may sound ridiculous to many, it is the truth.

Do husbands get jealous of babies?

Again, we would say there is a high possibility of this happening, especially if a husband truly loves a wife. At least, that is how researchers say. If you are a wife, although it is pretty much difficult, you have to find time to stay with your husband to prevent him from being jealous. At the end of the day, it all started with affection, and it has to be maintained for healthy marriage life.

Does having a second child ruin your marriage?

When it comes to statistics, there are fewer chances for divorce with the second child compared to the first one. This is mainly because you both have experience dealing with a baby before and know what it takes to keep your marriage life on the right track. In general, you don’t have to worry much about separation if you have dealt well with your first child.


This might hurt some, but as we said earlier, the question “why is marriage so hard after baby” hits your mind mainly because you haven’t prepared for it. You desperately need to have a good plan after discussing everything with your partner. Else, things will go from bad to worse rather quickly.

Finally, love yourself in the first place and your partner wholeheartedly. If you have love on your side, it will be easy to connect the dots with a proper plan. All the best!

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