Best Geeky Board Games for Kids during Lockdown

Best Geeky Board Games for Kids during Lockdown

As the saying goes “A perfect family game is one that can be played each time with fewer pieces”. Yes. board games are the ultimate family games. They are geeky board games kids would love during the lockdown. Because they are filled with loads of fun, plenty of sibling fights, and a good measure of brain work.

“Nothing can take the place of a board game in getting a family to sit down and interact with each other

Wayne Charness

There are different types of board games. Some of them involve dice play and some involve card play. Altogether all of them involve fun and it’s a good exercise for your brain. Our children will learn to play with each other. They will be occupied for a few hours. Also, these board games will increase their sportsmanship. The most important thing is that these board games will develop their thinking power. Especially during a pandemic, these geeky board games will be golden.

Why Pick Board Games during Lockdown?

Simply because board games are better than the mobile phone. Do you want them to be glued to the screen? Are they addicted to video games? Then board games are the solution. Not only they are good for the brain, but they will improve brain development also.

Kids are full of energy and these board games will keep them occupied. They will have fun. They will learn a lot. But the best part is they will learn to play in harmony. Sibling relationships will develop. Memories will be created. The board game traditions will continue in the family.

Benefits of Board Games

First, we have to find out the areas that should be improved by board games. So Here are several categories these geeky board games should fulfill.

  • They should stimulate brain areas
  • Children should learn new things form the board games
  • Give good knowledge about everyday tasks
  • Improve strategic thinking
  • Develop problem-solving skills
  • They should work on decision-making abilities

The problem today is that there are few hundreds of board games but you have to pick the very best for your kids. So the question arises, what are the best board games we can find? Will they be good enough for the kids? How can we play them? You will find the answers to these questions in this article. Here is our list of best geeky board games.

1. Scrabble

Scrabble can easily be the most widely known board game around the world. Due to its popularity, there are scrabble clubs and societies in schools and other institutes. It is a word game. A simple word game that can play a huge role in developing vocabulary in your kids. The game is an ideal geeky game for any kid above 7. Even the adults can join in.

Father and Child playing Scrabble

2-4 players can play this game. Each player is given a rack to hold seven letters. There is a sack with all the letters in the alphabet. But these letters are there at different frequencies. The most used letters like E or A are in higher frequency. The first player should start making words in the middle square of the board. Each letter has values. Also, some squares on the board have different commands. You can make any acceptable words with your letters. There are two blank bricks. You can substitute any letter with these bricks.

Scrabble is available in many languages. So it is useful for people whose second language is English. Also if your child is learning French at school, this will be really helpful. Scrabble is not just a vocabulary game. You got to have more insight than that. Because you have to make new words using already existing words. Plus you have to score more using squares on the board for your advantage. So rather than being just a vocabulary game Scrabble is also a strategic game.

2. UNO

Uno is a shedding-type card game. It’s quite an interesting game that will keep everyone busy for a couple of hours. The deck has 108 cards. The player who gets rid of all their cards scores 500. The first one to score 500 marks win. The game is really interesting because of three action cards and “wild” cards. There are components in the game that will make it going for quite some time. If you are a family with a few kids then this would be the go-to game. The game has quite a few rules. For the game to be interesting they should be followed carefully.


The more players involved, the more fun it’ll be. The deck is colorful. So it will eye-catching and it will improve children’s strategic thinking. Because they need to figure out their next move carefully. Uno will be a fun geeky game ideal for kids around the age of 8-12.

3. Sorry

This geeky game can be played by small children. Because it doesn’t involve any numbers or words. But it’s pretty interesting nonetheless. Although most young adults will be reluctant to play sorry, this would be one of best geeky games for your 4 or 5 year old.

Sorry Game
Sorry Game

About 2-4 players can play the game. Each player get four colored pawns. You have to pick your color at the beginning. Then with a roll of dice, you begin to play. When all your pawns reach the home space you win. The game becomes interesting because one player’s pawns can overtake other’s pawns. Those over taken ones will be send back to the beginning. Although it’s an easy game, it’ll be plenty of fun.

This will be one of the best games to introduce your child to geeky board games. This is the beginning. Because it’s so easy and the rules are simple. Your child will learn to recognize colors, learn about territory, and learn to count. Plus it’ll increase their sportsmanship.

4. Connect Four

This is the first board game I was really interested in. If you ask me this THE Board game that made me dive into board games. As a kid, I loved this game. Because it has all the great features. You have to use extensive brain work, strategic planning, and make good decisions. That’s why Connect four is one of the best games.

children-playing-Connect Four-board-game-their-room
children-playing-Connect Four-board-game-their-room

Two people can play this game. The board contains a grid with holes. Players can take turns at dropping discs down the grid. The discs fall down. occupying last available space in the grid. The player who gets four of their discs to line up horizontally, vertically or diagonally wins.

This game will improve strategic skills and will develop decision-making abilities. Also, this will be a good beginner’s game for any child from the age of 10 and above. The parents can also join in and play, which will improve parent-children relationships also.

5. Mastermind

In my opinion this is the best type of game for your geeky teen. Because it’s equally hard and enjoyable at the same time. This is a decoding game. The board has 16 rows with four large holes. There are pegs of different colors. Two can play this game. One is the codebreaker and the other is a codemaker.

Mastermind Board Game
Mastermind Board Game

The code maker will make a code using 4 pegs out of the six colors. Then the codebreaker can try to guess the pattern. There are 12 total rows. These give the codebreaker 12 chances to break the code. According to the guess code maker can signal. They can put a black color peg if the position and color both are correct. Also, they can put a white peg if only the color is correct.

This is the perfect game to develop a young mind. Because it will develop problem-solving ability. Further, the decision-making ability will increase immensely. Your kids will love this game. Plus you can also dust those brain cells a bit. So play with them and create memories together.

6. Battleship

The name explains the game. This classic geeky board game is ideal for kids above 9. This is a strategic board game. So this will definitely increase thinking abilities. Also quick decision-making abilities of young adults. The game involves paperwork and brain work.

Battleship Board Game
Battleship Board Game

Each player has different battleships. They have to position them at the beginning of the game. The opponent can shoot the ships. The opponent has to guess the position of the battleships. If all the ships are blasted then the game is over.

You have two kids who are always up to a fight? Then this would be ideal for them Let them figure out their own battles in an interesting way. Kids will find the game interesting as well as challenging. Sportsmanship and strategic planning will develop as they play.

7. Caylus

Do your kids love medieval era? Then this is the game for them. The game takes place in medieval France. It is full of Castles, kingdoms and builders. As it’s a complex game. best suited for 12 and above.

caylus board game
caylus board game

The player should build the kings castle and develop the surrounding city. So at the end you’ve built a kingdom. There are resource cubes and dices. Players can pick up the game in their style. This is a great game to teach about economic management.

Ever worried that their pocket money is vanishing because their management skills are nil? Then bring this out and let them play. It will develop their money management quickly. Want a small fun in medieval times? Then join in, you are in for a long journey.

8. Wingspan

If your child loves nature or birds specifically, this is the ideal game for them. The wingspan is a recent game. The quality of the game is fairly high compared to other games of the same category. Because those pictures of the birds are to die for.

 wingspan board game
wingspan board game

The game has different bird cards. All have realistic drawings of birds. The player has to attract different birds to their reserve. The birds should be placed in their accurate habitats. There are dices that provide birds with their food. The more resources you collect the more bird’s will lay eggs. So you can expand your reserve.

The game has 170 bird cards that are really pretty. I personally love this game, being a bird lover myself. Besides this is the perfect way to teach your kid about different birds. You can teach them about different habitats. This will be the best game during these times where our children are confined at home.

On the other hand, you will get a cute, small birdhouse to roll your dices. Your children will love this game. Besides we need more nature lovers and this game can definitely make them enthusiastic about nature.

9. Russian Railroads

Is your little boy dreaming about trains? Then let’s make railroads with him. This is a great game for train lovers. The board looks authentic and modest. It is a beautiful artwork. This European style board game is great for lazy Sundays.

You have to place the workers and distribute the workforce. You have to use the available workers. The resources and benefits come if you distribute work properly. So through this game, children will learn about different tasks. Also, Their task management skills will improve.

10. Scythe

The game is places in an alternate universe. The ancient Europe is in a war. You have to do your best to safeguard your territory. Basically, you are like a president. You have to build economic infra structure. So your country’s economy is stable. Plus, you have to use “Mechs” the giant war machines to fight the enemies.

Caylus Board Game
Scythe Board Game

Sounds like the best game for your gang, right? So gather around three-four people and start playing. Adults can also enjoy the game. The game mat is beautiful. Creative designs make it more interesting. Besides, your kids will learn all about building a country.

In conclusion, board games are one of the best ways to teach our kids. They are fun to play. Interesting to anyone. Also, they are oozing wisdom. Things you can’t teach them, these board games will. Vocabulary, strategic planning and creativity, all are in a single bundle. Plus, you don’t have to pay hundreds thousands to buy them. The most important point is that the kids will learn without knowing they are learning.

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